Make sure your web design reflects your brand, speaks to your users and helps people easily find what they need in an elegant and stylish way.
Web design is a specialty at thunder::tech. We have extensive experience designing sites that catch the eye and help our clients shift their web presence from an industry standard to a competitive differentiator. We’ll work alongside you to design a site that will truly make your brand shine.
Our website design capabilities allow us to create an entirely new brand and implement it into your digital presence, all while taking your existing brand standards and incorporating them into a website refresh. We develop websites that reflect your company’s culture while remaining user and SEO-friendly.
Our in-house Web Design Team starts off by getting to know you and your brand, and what you want for your website. We ask questions to help get a clear understanding of where you want to be and what your users need. Since we aim to be a one-stop-shop for web development, we take a specialized approach with every project. And because our finger is on the pulse of the ever-shifting digital landscape, we consider fluid designs that can be easily adapted to a variety of formats—be it desktop, mobile, Internet-enabled television or tablet.
We use modern web technologies and workflows to make our work performant, efficient and scalable. We maintain our own build system using open-source dependencies, specifically designed around delivering solutions to our client’s needs quickly and effectively. We can also work in and adapt to other workflows and build systems as needed.
thunder::tech user interfaces are responsive designs built to work seamlessly across a variety of devices and viewport sizes. Before the interfaces are completed, they’re tested to ensure compatibility with devices, operating systems and web browsers.
· Variety of formats (desktop, mobile, Internet-enabled television or tablet)
· Sitemap and frame design by our UX team
· Evaluation of colors, fonts, designs, styles and imagery
· Website accessibility
· E-commerce design
· Reactive interface frameworks and languages (Svelte, Vue, React)
· Build systems and their dependencies (Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, PostCSS, Tailwind, Nunjucks, EJS, Sass, and many more)
· JavaScript frameworks and libraries (Swiper, jQuery, Pikaday)