3 Most Important Site Pages
From writing catchy headlines, meta descriptions and compelling page copy, building a website can get overwhelming — especially if you look at your SEO from an on-page perspective. You want to make a good impression on your visitors and help them see all aspects of your brand. However, not all web pages are created equally; some are more important than others.
So, what are these magical pages? Well, they're usually the ones that people come to first when they visit your site: your homepage, your blog page and any sort of "about" page (like "who we are" or "what we do"). While these pages may seem like the easiest parts of your site to get right, they can also be the hardest to nail down! You want to ensure these pages are engaging, beautiful, well optimized and searchable to your audience.
Before we take a closer look at the three most important pages, let’s first dive into website optimization and what that means:
Website optimization is the process of improving your website's performance, whether that's through better design or more compelling content. It can be a challenge to figure out where to start when it comes to optimizing your website. Some people will tell you that it's as simple as making sure your site loads quickly and is easy to navigate—but there's much more to it than that. Website optimization can include a number of different strategies, such as:
Optimizing your site involves analyzing its current condition, then making improvements based on what you find. Is the design outdated? Does the content need an update? Are visitors leaving before seeing everything on the page? These can all contribute to poor rankings in search engines, so you'll want to take steps toward fixing any issues you may uncover.
Your home page is the face of your site. It can make or break a visitor's decision to stay, keep scrolling or leave and never come back. On average, people spend 62 seconds viewing a site, so you’ll want to make every one of those seconds count! Your home page should be easy to navigate, give the user an idea of what your company is about and display any relevant information about your brand.
But it shouldn’t end there! After all, your homepage should be the first stop, not the final destination. Engaging visuals, copy and design are all critical elements of a successful homepage. But there is one crucial final piece here: a call to action. This will guide visitors to the next step you’d like them to take on your site.
Next stop: your "about" page! This is one of the first places your visitors will click to learn more about you and your business. Here you get the chance to tell your audience about yourself and how you got started in your industry. It's also a great place for testimonials from happy customers and other content that will help build trust with new visitors.
The about page is more than just a list of facts about your company—it's an opportunity to show off your personality too!
The news/blog page is where visitors go to keep up on all the latest happenings from your organization or company. This might be anything from product updates, event announcements or new hires—it's an opportunity for you to show off just how much stuff goes on at your business every day!
Posting compelling blogs and news articles is an opportunity to stand out in your industry and show yourself as a thought leader. It allows you to get creative, share your take on the latest industry trends and get more traffic to your website. Plus, blogs are the perfect opportunity to pull in keywords and improve your SEO strategy!
It’s easy to get caught up in beautiful design. Sometimes, this means we lose sight of what's important: the needs of our users. We must step back from time to time and see our websites from the perspective of an outside viewer. By mixing together all the elements mentioned here will create a beautiful end result AND appeal to your audience.
In the end, it all boils down to tools and techniques. These pages have different mechanisms in place to help you identify your audience, evaluate the effectiveness of your message, determine who is visiting your site and much more. If you’re getting caught up in the nuances of building a website, we’re here to help!